Memories: ‘The Rise’, Volume I, Volume II, Volume VII

Music : Master Deunov — Beinsa Douno

With the participation of:
Yoanna Strateva – Violin; Anna Karalasheva – Violoncello
Boyana Zhelyazkova – Violin; Bozhidar Simov – Guitar

Presenter: Petar Vanguelov

In the Hall of Izgrev Municipality Chekhov Street


First Part

Second part





A story of Boris Nikolov
First story
В: Изгревът … Т. 1. София, 1993, с. 399. ISBN 954-799-183-3

Once at The Rise, while we have all gathered around the Master, he sang a little ditty. He turned to us, saying: „Can you play a dance?“ We lined up, placed hand in hand in a „hand strap“, as we played the dance in Sofia region and waited.
In those times, there was not a Bulgarian, who cannot play a horo. If you cannot play, you will not be able to marry – things were like that in those times. Young women and young men were picked up for spouses at the village square dance. If you are a girl and can play along well with your feet, you are skilful, industrious, and you can run a household. This was an accurate assessment, verified by the Bulgarians in the countryside life.
Then our Master sang a little ditty and said: „Can you add appropriate movements to this tune?“
Some people tried, but failed. Nothing happened – if it was a horo, you could have played it. Nevertheless, it was a melody, not for a dance. For this ditty, the Master showed us some movements after seeing that we would not be able to play it, holding hands and in a circle like in a traditional Bulgarian dance. Then we sang another tune again, and He asked us if we could put it into movements. We tried, but could not devise anything, just shrugged guiltily.
The Master said nothing more. Then he went upstairs in his room and played his violin all night until the morning, playing a melody unknown to us. In the morning, he played the melody over and showed the movements to several sisters who were musicians – they had an ear for music and a musical sense of rhythm and movement. Thus, the Master began first to teach one sister – Katya Griva. The Master then showed the movement to the other sisters, and thus formed a group of sisters to learn the tunes that the Master played, and the corresponding movements.
Therefore, in one month all Paneurhythmy was born in front of our eyes and we all participated in it. Later, this group of sisters began to teach others.
Musicians recorded the music notes and learned the text by heart. Finally, all gathered in the meadow and under the supervision of the Master all music and movements were assembled. For the first time Paneurhythmy was played – first in parts and then all of it. The Master has said many things about Paneurhythmy. In addition, ever more things were written about it. We played it on the lawn of the Rise, at the camp of El Shaddai, Vitosha, at the Seven Rila Lakes, friends played it in the Brotherhood and across the province.



A story by Boris Nikolov
Second story by Boris Nikolov with certain persons on the same events
В: Изгревът … Т. 2. София, 1995, с. 402. ISBN 954-90041-1-2

The Master worked in a very natural manner. One evening, there were about 5–6 people on the meadow, brothers and sisters, gathered around the Master. Nedelcho Popov from the Rhodopes began talking about Bulgarian Songs, Bulgarian horos and folk dancing. Then the Master said: „Can any of you here play a horo?“
Three or four people lined up, hands in belts, and as they sang, they played some of the dances (horos). They sang and played, lining up step by step, each dance with different steps, the Master was watching them. He was watching them intently in silence. Then a sister, Todora Yordanov Stancheva, who later lived together with Anguel Valkov wanted to show some of the steps of the horos from their villages. She was light-footed, and sang on her own and played on her own and made the steps so if she was not stepping on the ground. We watched her entranced.
After a while, the Master said: „I will give you a little tune. On this tune what steps would you give?“ The Master sang it.
Sister Todora tried, but did not know what steps to give to the melody. The melody was simple and plain. Then Nedelcho Popov came out, who was from a Rhodopes village, also tried to put steps to this tune, but unsuccessful. Others tried but in vain.
Then the Master said: „I will show you real steps.“
Then we saw movements and melody came together in a harmony. Then the Master considered this a little, stopped, and focused on himself. An idea came to him. He completely forgot about us.
We started playing these steps and singing the melody. Nevertheless, He returned to his room, lit a lamp and night violin was heard inside the room. The Master played, when an idea came to him, and he began to develop this idea with inspiration, and it gave the birth to Paneurhythmy – harmony of music and movement.



A story of Boris Nikolov
В: Изгревът … Т. 1. София, 1993, с. 399. ISBN 954-799-183-3

The next morning, the Master was still early in the meadow. The same brothers and sisters were around him. Then he presented another tune along with the steps. We were all around him, and perceived what he showed with unusual enthusiasm.
First, the Master gave the melody, and we sang and learned. Then the Master gave us the steps to the tune. Thereafter, we began creating exercise after exercise. The Master watched the development of exercises he gave. Once new ideas came to him, he immediately went upstairs into his room, took the violin and developed these ideas further. Thereafter, for one month he created Paneurhythmy. The Master liked these works, and began to give classes at the gym then. Then, he went to the meadow, the violinists played and other played, and the Master was watching them and correcting errors. He sensed the melody out of inspiration. As he sat and watched the movements of friends a new idea came to him, he went to his room, took the violin and then developed it further. The next day he played the melody and showed new steps.
The first group that worked together with the Master became proficient in all exercises of Paneurhythmy and began to teach others. Musicians learned the tunes and formed an orchestra. The time has come to play all Paneurhythmy on the meadow one morning, the orchestra was in the middle and the Master played in the inner circle. This marked the beginning of Paneurhythmy.
The Master then gave a task to Olga Slavcheva, who was a poet to write Words for Paneurhythmy meeting the idea of Paneurhythmy. Following the ideas of the Master, Olga gave the Words, vested them in music and agreed in both form and content, especially in harmony with the music.



A story of Maria Todorova
B: Изгревът … Т. 12. София, 1999, с. 761–795. ISBN 954-9915-03-4

Paneurhythmy is an expression of spiritual laws and through it between the forces of man and the forces of nature there is complete exchange under the laws of harmony that exists in living Nature, in the Spiritual world and the Divine world.
After a while, the Master gave the Pentagram. That was the Pentagram, which the Master had given to the first brothers of the Synarchic Chain. It was hanging on the walls in the homes of old friends. When School opened, we saw this Pentagram on the walls of old friends.
The Master gave it to only to those who have correctly solved their own problem with the School of the Master. It was a dedication to students.
One day as we gathered around him, he said:
– Now is the time to bring down this Pentagram from your pictures in frames that hang on the walls, and apply it on Earth.
There it was. These are exercises for rows of five pairs directed towards the centre, which in its movement occupy the top five of the Pentagram: Love, Wisdom, Righteousness, Truth and Virtue.
I want to mention also that in the beginning of the School the Master had created an internal group of sisters, including me, whom he read lectures, discussions, and during every meeting each sister represented a virtue to work with. This, which was in line to the top of the Pentagram, oversaw the collection. The Master sat, listened and gave his advice. The next meeting, another sister occupied the top of the Pentagram.
Therefore, the Pentagram, with its five ends, was spinning from right to left and all took turns. At that stage, the Master gave lectures to the Class of Virtues. I mention this because the School had gone through this stage of internal work with the Pentagram. In that moment, it was time to move forward and to transpose it out of us, in music and movement.
It was the story of the Master giving the „Pentagram“ from Paneurhythmy.

Note: The Master’s lectures to the Class of Virtues and work with the Pentagram were published in „The Rise …“, Volume XII, with two appendixes – Pentagram posters: in black and white and in colours.



A story of Boris Nikolov
В: Изгревът … Т. 1. София, 1993, с. 207. ISBN 954-799-183-3

An idea came out to present the Pentagram in its original version, as the Master had given in the first years that hung on the walls of old friends, with movements and music. Many knew that the Master was attempting to work on the Pentagram in the Class of Virtues, with the tops of the Pentagram alternating and the end rotating to the right and changing places with the next end. In its place, turning left, the next end settled on the top.
Friends had the experience of Pentagram movement. Then an older brother decided to use this idea and dedicated a long time to create a movement in the form of the Pentagram, accompanied by music and movement. It was Tsocho Dikov, who was not a musician, but he was genuine in life and thought. Taking the occasion of his desire, the Master spent some time alone on the Pentagram. He then started to produce movement, melody and text of the Pentagram. Thereafter, he started giving the next exercises, melody, Words and movements of the Master himself. It is an important exercise, not so easy to play. Friends found it quite difficult to learn it. It took some time until they mastered it.
Therefore, the incentive to give the Pentagram came from Tsocho Dikov who had made the first attempt. It was an original brother, who worked in the laboratory of Professor Konsulov. He kept working on the problem of the Moon’s movement around the Earth and explained why its tour around the axis and the Earth are the same. The Moon issue was the cause of his life. He issued a treatise on this work. I do not know where it is nowadays. However, in connection with this work, he had asked the Master many questions about the Moon.

These responses of the Master are important. Hopefully, he put them down on paper. I do not know who took his records. He gave me two copies of his works, but I do not know where they are today. All said by the Master about the Moon was recorded. Nevertheless, I do not know where it is today.



A story of Maria Todorova
В: Изгревът … Т. 1. София, 1993, с. 167. ISBN 954-799-183-3

When creating Paneurhythmy, a brother-musician wanted to take music from the world. The Master brought down Paneurhythmy, the same in the divine world and the spiritual world, and gradually gave exercise after exercise. This was not a single process. Moreover, it was a living process, in which we attended, we observed and we took an active part in. The Master showed us exercises, and then gave us the melody. Sometimes, or brought down the melody first and then gave the exercises.
Therefore, our brother seeing all this, considered this is a quite simple combination of movement and melody, and he decided to join in the work. This brother’s name was Anguel Yanushev. When he decide to join, and took and brought to the folder of the world tunes from various composers, and wanted these tunes to make appropriate movements. The Master saw it, became very restless and excited. He called me and told me: „Tell him that my songs are structured under other laws.”
I went to him, I explained to him that other songs and melodies cannot be used; I told him that the Master himself has sent me. Nevertheless, he did not believe, because he considered himself a great musician. Then I called him, brought him to the Master and told him there what I was ordered to tell him. I told him, and the Master sat and listened. Yanushev was looking at me and the Master alternatively, and finally said: „I was unaware of this thing.” And he went away.
Therefore, there were forces in nature, incomprehensible to us. We could not see them, we knew nothing about them, and each song was given according to the movement and direction. These forces are included in the total harmony of living nature. This is an example of how from the very outset, when Paneurhythmy was given, spirits appeared and went into one man or another, trying to change it. They wanted from the outset of its creation to direct it in another direction. This happened in the middle and in the end when the Paneurhythmy was given.
This happened after the Master left – they wanted to change the text and even the melody of Paneurhythmy. Because in any way, Paneurhythmy exercises changed because of our ignorance and imperfection, and therefore the Master was very unhappy. Therefore, these spirits are conductors of the same forces that wanted to destroy the School since its inception. They enter particular personalities that they become conductors and performers.

Why tell this? Because I want to tell you that a time came when Anguel Yanushev left the Master and the Brotherhood, during the trial against the Brotherhood in 1957–58. Why did he quit? For once, a man becomes a conductor of these spirits and forces that wanted to destroy Paneurhythmy, the same man will eventually become the conductor of the same strength aimed to destroy the School.
Later, The Rise was destroyed by this mechanism from the inside – these forces found conductors and they became servants to these forces. The question is perfectly clear for you and for me. To whom it is not clear – let him verify it himself!



A story of Maria Todorova
В: Изгревът … Т. 1. София, 1993, с. 209. ISBN 954-799-183-3

Each of us took a kind of part. A group of sisters was created to learn Paneurhythmy from the Master in the salon, and then taught it to other friends who came to The Rise.
Where earlier, where later, the friends learned it and taught one another mutually. A typical case was that everyone who came joined the circle hand in hand and looked at those who were in front of him and played according to what he saw. So there was a point that not all played Paneurhythmy properly. Over the years, they played one thing and then another thing.
This provoked the disapproval of the Master, who once said:
– We have to get better exercise and play correctly. This cannot continue! You do harm to me, to myself and to the rest of humankind because of these wrongly played exercises, create disharmonious states and vortices, and they are transferred, and are transmitted to the rest of humankind. You are responsible for what happens here, on the lawn, and for Paneurhythmy, and for what comes out of it and goes to the world and creates the destiny of humankind.

We kept quiet, and said nothing. I did not understand anything. It was not the time to understand it. The time of Light had not yet come from above to illuminate our minds. That time came when the Master left. We passed through sufferings, torture and trials that were not always successful, and we could go further in our journey. When the events of 1957–1958 came, then we realized what he meant to play Paneurhythmy properly and reach harmony at The Rise and around the world. We understood it, but it was too late for us. The Rise was destroyed. It was our responsibility.
The destruction began in 1945, followed by the great raid on 6.ХІІ.1957, when 163,000 volumes of the Word of the Master were pulped. Then the trial against the Brotherhood started in 1958 and Boris Nikolov and Zhecho Panayotov were sent to prison.
The Rise’s meeting hall was padlocked and any play of Paneurhythmy was forbidden on the lawn!

„PSALM 91“






A story of Maria Todorova
В: Изгревът … Т. 1. София, 1993, с. 208, 210. ISBN 954-799-183-3
At a time when the Paneurhythmy was given, when the Master brought it down from above, from the Invisible World, a sister came and asked him:
– Well, Master, is this the same Paneurhythmy seen in Heaven by Brother Methodi Shivachev om Moussallah Peak?
The Master looked at her and said:
– We do these exercises as they do them in the other world. They are not invented, they were brought from Heaven. These exercises are related to the physical, spiritual and divine world.
– Well, Master, is it the same Paneurhythmy as the one in the sky above Moussallah Peak? – the sister insisted.
– True Paneurhythmy is not yet given. It is in Heaven. It serves as an ideal of the human soul and the human spirit. Through it, they harmonize with the worlds that are above them. It will be brought down when the next humanity arrives. It will have other bodies – spiritual bodies. With these physical bodies, you cannot survive that Paneurhythmy from Heaven on Moussallah Peak.
Our Paneurhythmy is the Paneurhythmy of the human soul and the human spirit, which descended on Earth. Moreover, that true Paneurhythmy is designed for the human spirit and the human soul, which are in the Invisible World and seek communion with God. Here we seek communion with God in our Paneurhythmy and those above seek communion with God in their Paneurhythmy.
When humanity unites into one entity, when a person is an awakened soul and a life-giving spirit – then the real Paneurhythmy will descend. Until then, many summers, years, centuries and millennia will pass.
– Master, will our Paneurhythmy have the same Words as that of Moussallah Peak? – the sister asked again.
– There will be and we will send a being from Heaven to give the lyrics of our Paneurhythmy – the Master said.
We stood waiting to witness this Supreme Being, without knowing when and to whom it would appear.


A story of Maria Todorova
В: Изгревът … Т. 1. София, 1993, с. 210–211. ISBN 954-799-183-3
A few days passed. The Master called Olga Slavcheva, who was a poet. The year was 1934.
– Could you, sister, write lyrics to the music of our classes?
Olga felt shy:
– However, Master, will I be able to write them? It is very complicated to me. Will I successfully arrange the Words in accordance with the melody and not lose the rhythm? I fear it, Master.
The Master smiled back and said:
– We will help you. We will send you a Being who will help you with the text. It will dictate the lyrics to the music of different exercises. – The Master kept quiet and smiled.
– Well, if so, let us try both – this being and me. However, how and when will it come?
The Master told her the day and time when the being will arrive. Olga Slavcheva started looking forward for that day, but then with anxiety. So many different thoughts passed through her mind. What would it be? What will it be wearing? What body will it have, would she recognize it? Can she hear it well? There were countless questions, and no answers. Olga became increasingly excited every next day. This is no joke. She was going to have a visit from the Invisible World, and not „like guest“, but to do business, by order of the Master.
The appointed day and hour came. Olga Slavcheva sat on the table – she had prepared many sheets of paper and many pencils, just in case. The moment came and the hour. Olga began to feel an inspiration, which overwhelmed her entire being, her thoughts were clearing up, her eyes expanded and her thoughts deepened, and she saw the notes of different exercises in front of her. She began to hear the lyrics inside herself, which were arranged one after another. Olga wrote them on the white sheet.
She barely finished two or three exercises, and someone knocked at the door: a sister entered – a neighbour would borrow this or that. Olga told her she had a job. „Is it a normal work? Our Olga is sitting and writing poetry. You can write poetry tomorrow. Now, I came to visit you and I wanted to borrow something.“
Olga got very angry, quarrelled with her and cast her out because she had a job to do. She sat on the table. However, all has flown away. Her head was empty of any bright thoughts, her heart – no more noble feelings precious and her inspiration was grounded. Nothing was left. It all flew away. Only the temper and her quarrel with the neighbour remained. Olga soon realized that the spirits of the other box had played her out. She began to cry and ask forgiveness from this being. Nevertheless, there was no response, no feedback. All night Olga could not shut her eyes, she could not sleep.


A story of Maria Todorova
В: Изгревът … Т. 1. София, 1993, с. 211. ISBN 954-799-183-3
The next morning, she went to the Master and told him everything, crying. The Master looked at her sternly:
– Why did not you take measures against mischievous and dark forces? They saw the light that came down from Heaven upon you and above you, and immediately sent their servants to stop you.
– Master, I have never imagined that such a thing could happen to me, here, at the Rie, right in front of your eyes. Will I make amends?
Olga cried, fell on her knees and tears bathed the Master’s knees. The Master bent over and lifted her.
– Well, in thirty-three days this Being will come back in the appointed hour. However, if you fail this time, you will have to answer before God. Because this being is sent from the Divine World just to reveal the lyrics and let you write down the text of Paneurhythmy.
The Master ended the conversation in that way; Olga bent down, kissed his hand and left.
Olga Slavcheva went home and began to count down the days, agonizing. Only she knows how those days have passed, one after another without end. She did not talk to anyone, closed to her privacy; her perpetually sunny smile disappeared from her face. Her friends thoughts she was sick. They questioned her, if she needed something that could help her. She rejected all proposals. Meanwhile, she had put caps on the shed windows, closed them from inside, closed the windows, shut and locked the door. She hung on the door and windows several blankets that would prevent her to hear even if someone knocked at the door. She prepared an oil lamp, candles, matches and a lot of pencils and paper. The moment came again. The familiar feeling of inspiration – her mind cleared, she saw light above herself and inside herself.
She began to hear the Words: „I am Asavita. I come from the Sun to dictate you the lyrics of the exercises of the Paneurhythmy. I was sent for you and I come from the Divine World.“ Olga recorded everything.
Olga began to record verbatim the lyrics and affixed the words to the music notes. The work continued for several hours. Finally, they separated as friends. The same day, Olga went to the Master and presented Him the text of Paneurhythmy. The Master approved it. Finally, Olga told Him about Asavita’s words. The Master nodded head.
– Will I, Master, see her again?
– It depends on you. You will call and pray for her. Everything depends on you.


A story of Maria Todorova
В: Изгревът … Т. 1. София, 1993, с. 211. ISBN 954-799-183-3
The next year Olga Slavcheva published a small booklet entitled „PANEURHYTHMY“. The year of publication was 1935. In the upper left corner of the cover, the name Asineta was placed. The price was BGN 5. Now it would be a miracle to find any other book preserved of this edition. In the same book, Olga Slavcheva published the Words to three songs of the Master that He had given her to write. These are „Bershid Ba“ (Бершид Ба), „Spring Song“ (Пролетна песен) (in the book the title is „The Spring arrives“ –Пролетта пристига) and „Song of the Little Bug“ (Песен на малката буболечка) (in the book of songs – „Little buggy“ – Малката буболечица).
That same year – 1935 – Olga Slavcheva issued a booklet: „ASAVITA – DIVINE SONG“. In the upper left corner of the cover, the name Helmira was written.
Asavita comes from the Sun, visits Olga Slavcheva and gives her the name Helmira, taking her along the way to the Sun. When they arrive there, she hears familiar melodies, familiar words – she hears the songs that the Master gave on the Earth. Therefore, the music, text, plays and movements that she saw in the Sun were almost the same as those of the Master’s Paneurhythmy on the Earth. Helmira saw with her own eyes that melody and movement were inextricably linked together, in several different worlds: the physical, spiritual and Divine worlds. Whoever desires, should read this booklet carefully.
The artist Tzvetana Simeonova painted a wonderful picture – as an appendix to the book called „From the Earth to the Sun“ (От Земята към Слънцето).
At that time, the Rise new a lot of poets and all were upset and jealous why the Master adopted the text of Olga Slavcheva. All were convinced, without exception, that the lyrics of Olga Slavcheva for Paneurhythmy were not good that there was no rhyme; they were not rhythmic, no intrinsic harmony; that the wording was mixed up, simply reflecting the style of the poet. Generally, each of the Rise’s poets thought she would have written hundred times better texts. Lady poets have kept this belief for many years, even after the departure of the Master. Even when Olga Slavcheva passed away, voices could be heard that another text should be written.
During the time of the Master, in 1941, a booklet was issued, titled „Paneurhythmy. Songs of harmonic movements. Music and movements by the Master“ (Паневритмия. Песни на хармоничните движения. Музика и движения от Учителя). This book has an introduction and then a section „Basics of Paneurhythmy“, where the Master presented the basic laws of Paneurhythmy and the forces that created it. There, on page 14, it was noted accurately and firmly:
„Paneurhythmy is based on the laws of the correlation between idea, word, music and movement.“
Thus, the Master categorically declared that Paneurhythmy is given, the idea of Paneurhythmy was brought down through music, dressed in movements, and the songs are completed with the appropriate words.
Moreover, whoever wants to know in detail the seven laws of Paneurhythmy and will see that what was given by the Master, cannot be touched and misrepresented. Why not? Because on page 14 the following was written:
„The laws of paneurhythmic exercises are written in the whole Cosmos.“
Well, I ask now, which daredevil would date to adjust the Divine Deed? Who is the one who will date misrepresent the Word of the Master, His Songs and His Paneurhythmy? Anyone who is literate and can read should read what the Master has given in this book as „Laws of Paneurhythmy“ (Основи на Паневритмията).


A story of Maria Todorova
В: Изгревът … Т. 1. София, 1993, с. 212. ISBN 954-799-183-3
I have observed as we played Paneurhythmy, and how we sang when we were playing. It was something indescribable. I saw how the melody, words and movements were blended into one. For our generation, it was a great experience – it was Heavenly revelation to our people and a touch to a genuine reality – that of the spiritual world. When brothers and sisters of our generation were playing Paneurhythmy, we were transferred to another world – the world of human souls. Down, on the Earth, we walked and we were playing, and above, in Heaven, our souls floated in another circle – the Heavenly circle of Paneurhythmy, above in the Invisible World. This formed two circles – one circle on the lawn below The Rise, where we – our bodies – were playing, and one circle was in Heaven – where our souls were arranged in a circle and were dancing.
Every time Paneurhythmy was played, the dancing sisters shared with the Master what they experienced in the play of both types of Paneurhythmy. One was played down here, on the Earth, and the other one in Heaven.
The songs with the lyrics of Olga Slavcheva combined this circle down, on the meadow, with that circle above, in the sky. We felt, we sensed that Heaven and Earth were united by our songs, how we played down here, on Earth, and our souls were dancing and playing well above, in the Heaven. For us this was the communion of souls, a merger of human souls, down – with our bodies, and above – with the songs in the Invisible World. Once formed in the living circle of Paneurhythmy down on Earth and above in Heaven, this relationship remains eternal. That is why Paneurhythmy – with its words, movements, melody and rhythm – is the relationship between the human soul and the human spirit with the human body of the Earth and the spiritual connection of our bodies with Beings dwelling above, in the Invisible World. This world is the world of wisdom, where everything is harmony, music, purity and Daylight.
The Word of the Master precedes the Daylight, music and harmony, because the Word comes from the Master’s World of Truth, which is the world of Divine Spirit and the Divine Soul.
That is why Paneurhythmy was sacred to us, who were dancing on the lawn of The Rise. It was the dedication of our souls, which played above in the Invisible World and created the second circle of no-handmade, genuine Paneurhythmy. For us this was Paneurhythmy – worship and devotion.
„There is harmony and rhythm in the entire Being.
The entire Cosmos is permeated by music and movement, combined into one. This is Paneurhythmy.“ (p. 15)
Now, have you realized what Paneurhythmy is and that it is sacred? It is untouchable, unmade by a human hand on Earth; it is an Ideal for the human soul and the human spirit.


A story of Dragan Petkov
В: Изгревът … Т. 7. София, 1997, с. 153–154. ISBN 954-90041-7-1
Playing Paneurhythmy and being direct participant in this circle at the time of the Master was an amazing experience. Everyone had their personal sense of the impact of Paneurhythmy in terms of music, movement and harmony combined into in a single space created by „Living Paneurhythmy“, which is in the Invisible School of the White Brotherhood.
When we were lined up in pairs and the pairs rotated in the general circle, we had to follow a single rule given by the Master. When pairs swirled in the circle, they must stand equidistant from other pairs. Nowhere between pairs, the distance should be more than two or three meters, and elsewhere they should not touch one another and interfere with the dance. The pairs should keep the same distance between them. With their arms fully spread, they must have a distance of at least half a meter.
Sometimes the Master gave an exercise to be played. He made them join hands and form something like a horo. Then they let their hands free, turned to the right and it was the distance between them. Thereby the size of the circle was determined. Depending on the number of participating pairs, the diameter of the circle varied. One time it was bigger, sometimes it was smaller. It is not important how big the circle will be. Another important thing is to have equal distance between the dancing pairs. The Master insisted to keep moderate distance between the pairs. As He put it in His words: „Close the doors!“ He defined these distances as open doors.
What are these doors?
The circle of Paneurhythmy is a live circle of forces and an energy field. The dancing pairs create it. When you open a door, it means that the distance is not met between the pairs and that the live circle is broken. Then other forces come through these doors, steal from this energy field and as real thieves they steal all the Blessing of Paneurhythmy. Because they are thieves, they take what they need, take this capital to invest it in the Black Lodge, and leave us with disturbed harmony, i.e. disharmony. Then we wonder why our business is not running properly. Nothing to wonder, but we must execute things exactly as they are instructed by the Master.
Once the Master was annoyed and said:
– I said, close the door on time. You let other energy forces come into the circle. We must not allow these forces to come between us and spoil the harmony. You are responsible to Heaven, if with your disobedience you enable an attack against the School by the Black Lodge. These things are unacceptable and are pursued by the Invisible World. The Invisible World is a place of supreme intelligence, supreme harmony and supreme light. This is the Light of the Divine world.
We memorized it and now tell it to you. Well, of course, it does not mean we always performed it properly.
When we played Paneurhythmy following all the rules given by the Master the result was such an incredible harmony between us that we had the feeling that we fly above the ground. It was our proper feeling, as we actually walked on the ground. Then we understood what it means to play properly Paneurhythmy at „closed doors“.


A story of Dragan Petkov
В: Изгревът … Т. 7. София, 1997, с. 154–155. ISBN 954-90041-7-1
It is now 45 years after the Master passed away, and this rule of the doors has not been observed. Sometimes some of the old friends began to call: „Close the doors!“ Others who listened were annoyed by their remarks.
Previously, the Master did not say doors, but „gate“. They were irritated, because they do not know. They were irritated, because they had opened „the gate“ of Paneurhythmy, letting those beings and energy forces suck and steal from the living circle of Paneurhythmy. So annoyed because others tease them because they are logged there and clinging as ticks and suck you, suck energy. Well, tell me how can we correct it and close these gates with a remark? It is not possible.
Another time, we were paid attention that our disharmonious conditions at the Rise spread globally in the same way as disharmony spread in the minds of others. Once, He was very strict and said:
– You, here, at the Rise, are to blame for what happens in the world. Your disharmonious thoughts and feelings spread from this Divine Centre through the Divine wave, which created the coming of the Great Master. Instead of the Mankind accepting the ideas of the Word as harmony and purity, it accepts your shortcomings as disharmony and imperfection.
Then we realized the role of The Rise. We had the force with us that can build together and create a new life. There was a force able to destroy. We tried both things. We have seen the results.
We found that The Rise’s Paneurhythmy is a powerful weapon for construction and destruction.
During Paneurhythmy we started to play in a narrower circle, as we kept that all doors and gates are closed between us, i.e. to have equal distance between us.
The Master then gave the task to gradually increasing the diameter of the circle.
This meant that the ideas of the Master had to pulsate and come out from the centre of the circle and spread worldwide. This means that the centre of life pulsates rhythmically and sends waves of harmony in the world. It was one of the Master’s working methods to disseminate His ideas. Therefore, you will find a statement in His Word:
„My Word is spreading in the air. There are beings that absorb it and distribute it immediately. The Divine Ideas are spread this way.“
That is why the Master said that the new Teaching would come from within, as people will first adopt these ideas as their own and will implement them.
This is the way! There is no other way!
The original Word is printed! The path of Life in the School was presented in the series of publications „The Rise …“. This is the way of the Lord! Amen!

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